Posted: 12-01-2021 Written by: Editorial office Reading time: 4 minutes
Brexit and camping: this is what you need to know

Brexit and camping: this is what you need to know

The United Kingdom is officially no longer part of the European Union. But England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are of course beautiful and versatile holiday countries. Perfect for exploring with a camper or caravan. However, things will change in 2021. Brexit and camping: what should you take into account?

Despite Brexit, you can still go on holiday to the United Kingdom in the future. There are just a few extra things you need to have in order.

Travel documents

You can travel to the United Kingdom with your ID card until September 30, 2021. This will no longer be possible from October 1, 2021, and you will need a valid passport. More information and exceptions to this can be found on the website the national government. Good to know that your driving license remains valid in the United Kingdom.

Scotland is a beautiful and versatile holiday country
Scotland is a beautiful and versatile holiday country

Border controls and waiting times

As easy as it is to drive across the border to Germany or Belgium with your camper or caravan, it will not be as easy if you go to the United Kingdom from now on. If you go camping in England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland after Brexit, you will be traveling to a non-European country. And that includes more extensive border controls. Both when you enter the United Kingdom and when you return to the Netherlands. This can also lead to longer waiting times at the border.

The rules at the customs of the United Kingdom you read here (English website). You can read the rules at Dutch customs (when you return) on the website of the tax authorities.

Bringing your pet?

It's so nice if your dog or cat also goes on holiday! But is that also possible after Brexit? On the website of the NVWA (Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Act) contains the rules about taking a pet to and from the United Kingdom. Nothing will change for the time being, but you still have to put some things in order. So start arranging the right documents well in advance.

It's so nice when your dog comes along.
It's so nice when your dog comes along.

During your holiday

Once you're in the UK, you can take advantage of the low value of the British pound. According to this article in Het Parool this will remain the case for a while. This also contains the advice not to fill your camper or caravan with food from the Netherlands, as the rules in this regard have become a lot stricter.

Even more useful tips from this article:

  • Enable 'debit card payments outside Europe' at your bank.
  • Take out good health insurance that also has coverage outside Europe.
  • Check whether your mobile subscription has coverage, so that you are not surprised with a high bill afterwards.


Would you like to travel to the United Kingdom in your own caravan or camper? Check it out current offer. Your adventure starts at Of course you can do even more camping tips to look at.


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