General terms and conditions Campers Caravans BV
Contact details:
Campers Caravans BV
Vijzelgracht 53c
1017 HP Amsterdam
Phone: 020 - 211 10 10
Email: info @
Chamber of Commerce number: 77911970
Article 1. Definitions
In these terms and conditions shall apply:
Subscription: the Advertising Agreement between Campers Caravans BV and the Advertiser with regard to the reposting of Advertisements that the Advertiser places on its Website, in the Edition;
Advertisement: an expression placed in the Publication, offered for that purpose or - in the case of a Subscription - placed on the Advertiser's Website, in which goods and/or services are offered or requested;
Advertiser: both the Private Advertiser and the Business Advertiser;
Advertising Agreement: the agreement between Campers Caravans BV and the Advertiser with regard to the placement of one or more Advertisements, which also includes a Subscription;
User: the person who, other than as an Advertiser, makes use of the Publication;
Private Advertiser: the natural person who is not acting in the exercise of a profession or business and who enters into an Advertising Agreement with Campers Caravans BV;
Edition: the print or digital publication published by Campers Caravans BV, including (mobile) websites and (mobile) applications, in which an Advertisement is offered by an Advertiser or for the benefit of which the Advertiser has concluded an Advertising Agreement;
Agreement: an agreement between the Advertiser and the User regarding the purchase of (&elm;&elm;one or more) products and/or services offered or requested in the Advertisement;
Conditions: the present general terms and conditions Classifieds Campers Caravans BV;
Website: the website of the Advertiser for which the Advertiser enters into a Subscription with Campers Caravans BV._
Business Advertiser: the legal person or natural person who acts in the exercise of a profession or business and who enters into an Advertising Agreement with Campers Caravans BV.
Article 2. Relevance
- These Terms and Conditions apply to the relationship between Advertisers and Users on the one hand and Campers Caravans BV on the other. By using the Publication, placing an Advertisement and/or entering into an Advertising Agreement, the User or the Advertiser declares that they are aware of and agree to these Terms and Conditions.
- These Terms and Conditions expressly do not apply to the relationship between Advertisers and Users. Third parties, such as copyright holders, cannot derive any rights from these general terms and conditions.
- In addition to these Terms and Conditions, Advertising Agreements with Business Advertisers are also subject to the General Advertising Terms and Conditions of Campers Caravans BV (http://www.Campers Caravans In the event of any deviation, the present Terms and Conditions shall prevail.
- The applicability of any general terms and conditions of the Advertiser and/or User is excluded.
- If one or more provisions of these Terms and Conditions is or becomes non-binding, then the relevant provision will be replaced by a provision that is binding and that corresponds as much as possible with the intention of the non-binding provision.
- Campers Caravans BV has the right to unilaterally change the Terms and Conditions. Unless otherwise indicated, the amended Terms and Conditions come into effect on the date they are published on www.Campers Caravans With effect from the said date, the amended Terms and Conditions also automatically apply to all existing Advertising Agreements and to any future use of the Publication. In the event of a change to the Terms and Conditions that results in Campers Caravans BV delivering a performance that is substantially different from that agreed upon, the Advertiser has the right to dissolve the Supply Agreement within four (4) weeks after the relevant change comes into effect.
Article 3. Advertising Agreement
- An Advertising Agreement is only concluded after written confirmation by Campers Caravans BV to the Advertiser that the Advertisement will be placed, or by publication of the Advertisement in the Edition. The rates and other provisions and rules of conduct as set out in the Edition, as well as the Terms and Conditions, apply.
- Placement in the Edition takes place during 28 days, unless otherwise agreed in writing by Campers Caravans BV and the Advertiser.
- By entering into a Subscription, the Advertiser gives Campers Caravans BV permission, insofar as required by law, to request Full Advertisements published on the Website during the term of the Subscription, including any photo material and/or hyperlinks, whether or not by automated means, (re)use, copy and (have) placed in the Publication.
- By submitting an Advertisement, the Advertiser gives Campers Caravans BV permission to place the information contained in the Advertisement, including any photo material and/or hyperlinks, in the Publication.
- Campers Caravans BV is also entitled to place the Advertisement in whole or in part, in modified or unaltered form, in other media of the Campers Caravans BV group and/or media of third parties, as well as to use it for advertising or commercial purposes for for the Publication and other media within the Campers Caravans BV concern. These options are exclusively at the discretion of Campers Caravans BV; the Advertiser cannot claim or object to this and is not entitled to any compensation in this regard. If the Advertisement is placed in any environment other than the Publication, Campers Caravans BV is entitled not to include any photos and/or hyperlinks.
- The Advertiser is obliged to immediately ensure that the Advertisement is removed or adjusted as soon as a product or service offered therein is no longer available.
- By removing the Advertisement by the Advertiser, the remaining placement period for that Advertisement will automatically expire, without the Advertiser being entitled to a refund of the amount owed for placing the Advertisement.
- The Advertiser indemnifies Campers Caravans BV against all damage and any claim from third parties that arise as a result of the use of the Advertisement in accordance with this article.
- Campers Caravans BV uses the services of Mollie for the payment process when placing private advertisements. Both Mollie and Campers Caravans BV share data with each other to ensure that the payment process runs smoothly. if
- Campers Caravans BV uses the financial institution Mollie. Mollie processes data from private advertisers who, by purchasing a product or service digitally from Campers Caravans BV, are taken over by Mollie's payment services during the payment process. This creates a secure way of processing personal data of the customer of Campers Caravans BV. For more information: Click Click HERE for Mollie's privacy statement.
Article 4. Dissolution
- A Private Advertiser has the right to dissolve the Advertising Agreement within a period of 14 days after entering into the Advertising Agreement by sending an unambiguous statement to that effect to Campers Caravans BV.
- If the implementation of the Advertising Agreement has started with the prior consent of the Private Advertiser within the term referred to in paragraph 1 and the Advertising Agreement has been fully complied with by Campers Caravans BV within that term, the right to dissolve will lapse when the Advertising Agreement has been fully complied with. .
- If the implementation of the Advertising Agreement has commenced at the request of the Private Advertiser during the term referred to in paragraph 1, but Campers Caravans BV has not yet fully complied with the Advertising Agreement, then in the event of dissolution in accordance with paragraph 1 of this article, the agreed compensation will for the period from the start of the placement of the Advertisement until dissolution (pro rata) to the Private Advertiser.
- The provisions of this article do not apply to Advertising Agreements with Business Advertisers.
Article 5. Reservation of advertising space Edition
- The reservation of advertising space in an Edition is always subject to availability.
- If, for whatever reason, placement in the reserved advertising space is not possible, Campers Caravans BV will, without being obliged to pay any compensation to the Advertiser, try to the best of its ability to offer the Advertiser an alternative that is as equivalent as possible, or the already paid amount for the relevant Advertisement to the Advertiser.
Article 6. Content and delivery of the Advertisement
- The Advertiser is solely responsible for the content of the Advertisement. Advertisements may not contain expressions that are in conflict with applicable laws and/or regulations (including the Dutch Advertising Code), nor may their content infringe the (intellectual property) rights of third parties. The Advertiser indemnifies Campers Caravans BV both in and out of court against claims from third parties in this regard and all damage suffered or to be suffered by Campers Caravans BV as a result or in connection therewith.
- The Advertiser ensures that the description of a product or service offered corresponds to reality and is correct, complete and not misleading.
- The information provided by the Advertiser in an Advertisement or in subsequent contact must be directly related to the product to be sold or sought. The Advertisement may not be used as a general means of communication and may not serve to promote the Advertiser's services and/or products in general.
- Campers Caravans BV reserves the right to remove Advertisements prematurely, to shorten or change the texts of Advertisements and/or to remove hyperlinks or photo material without stating reasons. Campers Caravans BV will in any case, but not exclusively, do this if the Conditions or the rules of conduct of Campers Caravans BV, as published in the Publication, or otherwise unlawful, have been acted upon. In the latter case, the Advertiser will not be entitled to a refund or any form of compensation.
- The Advertisement must be delivered to Campers Caravans BV before the closing time indicated by Campers Caravans BV and in accordance with the specifications published by Campers Caravans BV. The Advertiser bears the risk of correct and timely delivery of the Advertising Material, regardless of the method of transmission.
- Campers Caravans BV is entitled not to place Advertisements that are delivered after the closing time or not in accordance with the requirements stated in this article, or to charge the Advertiser for the additional costs involved in placing them, without prejudice to the Advertiser's obligation to payment of a reasonable amount in the opinion of Campers Caravans BV, up to a maximum of the full amount involved in the relevant Advertisement.
Article 7. Rate and payment
- Certain Advertisements must be paid by the Advertiser. The applicable rates are indicated in the Publication or on the Publication website. All rates are exclusive of VAT, unless stated otherwise.
- In the event of a paid Advertisement, the Advertisement will be placed on the Edition after Campers Caravans BV has received the amount due for the Advertisement.
- In case of payment by direct debit, the amount will be collected by Campers Caravans BV immediately after the pre-announcement of the debit.
Article 8. Credit
- In some cases, the Advertiser can build up a credit with Campers Caravans BV that can be used to pay for Advertisements to be placed in the future.
- An accrued credit can only be used for the placement of Advertisements. The credit is not paid out in cash.
- Unless otherwise agreed, credit will expire &elm;&elm;one year after the credit has been created.
Article 9. Liability
- Campers Caravans BV pays constant care and attention to the content, composition, functioning and availability of its Publication. Nevertheless, Campers Caravans BV gives no guarantees with regard to the completeness, correctness or reliability of the content of the Publication, or with regard to the functioning and availability of the Publication, nor does Campers Caravans BV guarantee that the information contained in the Publication is suitable for the purpose for which it is being consulted.
- Campers Caravans BV is not liable for damage resulting directly or indirectly from the use that Advertisers or Users make of the Publication or from the - whether or not temporarily - reduced or non-functioning of the Publication. Campers Caravans BV is not liable for the behavior of Advertisers or Users, for the content of Advertisements, for the products and services that are offered and for the consequences of the conclusion of an Agreement between Advertiser and User.
- Any liability of Campers Caravans BV for its obligations under an Advertising Agreement is furthermore limited to a maximum of the total amount that the Advertiser has paid or owes for the placement of the relevant Advertisement.
- With regard to Business Advertisers, the condition for the existence of any right to compensation is that the Business Advertiser reports the damage in writing to Campers Caravans BV as soon as possible after it has occurred. If Campers Caravans BV has not been notified in writing within eight days after the damage occurred or the moment at which the damage could reasonably have been discovered, all rights of the Business Advertiser under this article will lapse.
- Any liability of Campers Caravans BV for indirect damage to Advertisers or Users, including consequential damage, loss of profit, lost savings, damage due to business interruption and damage due to loss of data, is expressly excluded.
Article 10.
Creating an account
If a Publication offers the possibility to create an account, the following conditions apply:
- The information to be provided when creating an account must be complete and correct;
- Users and Advertisers under the age of 16 must have permission from their parents or legal representatives to create an account. By creating an account, the User or Advertiser guarantees that he is 16 years or older or that he has permission from his parents or legal representatives;
- It is not allowed to create an account in the name of another person or to assume a false identity;
- The User or Advertiser is responsible for keeping his username/login code and password strictly confidential;
- The User or Advertiser is not permitted to grant third parties access to a Publication using his account;
- The User or Advertiser is fully responsible and liable for all use of his username/login code and password and for all actions performed via his account.
- If and as soon as a User or Advertiser suspects that his login code, password, account and/or identity is being used unlawfully, he must immediately inform Campers Caravans BV thereof. In that case Campers Caravans BV is entitled to take all measures it deems necessary to protect its Publication and the other users, and the User or Advertiser must fully cooperate with this;
- Campers Caravans BV reserves the right to refuse an account, to delete or to block access to an account, whether or not temporarily, if (there is a suspicion that) the User or Advertiser acts or has acted in violation of the Terms and Conditions or the rules of conduct of Campers Caravans BV, as published in the Edition, or otherwise acting unlawfully.
Article 11. Bidding
- Bidding on advertised products via the Publication is without obligation and serves as an opportunity for the Advertiser and the User to come together. The ultimate conclusion of an Agreement takes place in direct contact between the Advertiser and the User. Campers Caravans BV is in no way a party to this.
- It is expressly not the intention to bid on Advertisements if the User is not really interested. Abuse of the bidding in the Edition will not be tolerated and may result in exclusion from use.
Article 12. Feedback
- In some cases, the Publication offers Users the opportunity to provide feedback on the progress of the Agreement with an Advertiser. If, in Campers Caravans BV's opinion, the User misuses the opportunity to provide feedback, for example by using offensive language, Campers Caravans BV may block this User's access to the Publication.
- Advertisers are not permitted to provide feedback on their own Advertisement on the Edition (whether or not by using other e-mail addresses).
Article 13. Privacy
- Personal data is collected in the context of the exploitation of the Publication. The person responsible for the processing of this personal data is Campers Caravans BV in Amsterdam.
- The Cookie and Privacy Statement of Campers Caravans BV applies to the processing of the data referred to in paragraph 1 of this article.
- Users and Advertisers are only permitted to use (personal) data obtained through the Publication and/or contact forms in the Publication with a view to concluding a possible Agreement. Use for any other purpose, including sending (unsolicited) communication whose content is not directly related to the content of the Advertisement, regardless of whether it concerns messages of a commercial nature, and collecting e-mail addresses of Users and/or Advertisers , is forbidden.
Article 14. Security
- Campers Caravans BV makes every reasonable effort to protect its systems against loss and/or against any form of unlawful use and takes appropriate technical and organizational measures for this, taking into account, among other things, the state of the art.
- However, Campers Caravans BV is not liable for loss of data, damage to files, unauthorized access to computers or files, viruses or other illegal programs or files distributed via advertisements, or any other consequence of the use made of the Publication.
- It is prohibited to (attempt to) circumvent, disable or otherwise influence the security of the Publication or parts thereof or to (attempt to) hinder or limit the use thereof by third parties.
Article 15. Third-party sites and services
- The Publication and Advertisements may contain references (for example by means of a hyperlink, banner or button) to websites of third parties. Campers Caravans BV has no control over these websites and is not responsible for the content of these websites.
- If and insofar as services from external service providers are used, the terms and conditions and privacy rules of these service providers apply. Campers Caravans BV is not responsible for the legal acts or the policy of these service providers.
Article 16. (Deep) linking to and scraping the Publication
- Campers Caravans BV in principle allows Users to provide (deep) links to the Publication on other websites, as long as these (deep) links provide a correct, current and complete search result on the Publication. Campers Caravans BV is entitled to withdraw the permission at any time, at its own discretion and without stating reasons, by means of a written notification to the User. The User must then remove and keep the (deep) links to the Publication within &elm;&elm;one week after receipt of the notification.
- The use of software or any automated system to obtain information from the Publication ("scraping") is prohibited, unless this is done with the explicit permission of Campers Caravans BV and use is made of the functionality offered by Campers Caravans BV (for example an API clutch).
Article 17. Exclusion
Campers Caravans BV reserves the right to exclude Advertisers and Users from any use of the Publication if the law, public order, morality and/or the Terms and Conditions are violated in any way, without prejudice to the right of Campers Caravans BV to take legal action and/or claim compensation.
Article 18. Intellectual property rights
- All (intellectual) property rights in the Publication, including copyright, trademark, database and trade name rights, are held exclusively by Campers Caravans BV and/or its licensor. The foregoing does not apply to the content of placed Advertisements. The (right to) use of a Publication in no way implies the existence of any transfer, license or other right to use these rights to the User.
- Campers Caravans BV expressly reserves the copyrights with regard to the Publication. It is therefore not permitted - without the prior consent of Campers Caravans BV - to reproduce or make public the Publication in whole or in part in any way whatsoever, with the exception of the deep links permitted under Article 16. Mentioning Campers Caravans BV as a source does not change that.
- The User must obtain prior permission from the editors and/or publisher of the Publication concerned to take over or otherwise make public a Publication in whole or in part. Whether this permission is granted and under what conditions, is determined on a case-by-case basis and the user cannot rely on previously granted permission or permission granted to third parties. There may be costs associated with copying content with permission, the amount of which is determined by Campers Caravans BV.
- If the User infringes the rights of Campers Caravans BV, he is responsible for all damage suffered by Campers Caravans BV as a result, including the costs of investigation and legal assistance.
Article 19. Choice of law and dispute resolution
- Dutch law applies to these Terms and Conditions.
- Disputes about the Advertising Agreement and/or these Terms and Conditions will be submitted exclusively to the competent court in Amsterdam.
A Private Advertiser and a User who is not acting in the exercise of his profession or business can also submit a dispute regarding the Advertising Agreement and/or these Terms and Conditions to the European platform for online dispute resolution ( consumers/odr/).
Our terms and conditions were last amended on 03 June 2018.