Posted: 21-08-2019 Written by: Editorial office Reading time: 3 minutes
Tips for the fight against mosquitoes (bumps)

Tips for the fight against mosquitoes (bumps)

Do you know that? As you sit outside in your camper or caravan enjoying the evening air, small creatures come and attack you. Mosquitoes! We have listed some tips for anyone who would rather see them go than come. This way you keep the mosquitoes at bay.

Finally it's summer again, let's enjoy it! Although. We would rather see some things disappear again. Mosquitoes, for example. Have you been covered in mosquito bites this holiday? Haven't found anything yet to keep them away? Here are some solutions.

Be aware of standing water

If you have the choice of where you will camp at the campsite, pay attention to whether there is standing water nearby. Is that right? Then you better choose another place. Mosquitoes like to lay their eggs in stagnant water. By the way, they can already do that in a pool of water.

Sage and rosemary

The herbs sage and rosemary are a natural solution to keep mosquitoes away. You do need a fire to burn the herbs. Burning them releases an odor that mosquitoes hate. They stay at a distance and the smell is pleasant for people. And you can just buy rosemary and sage in the supermarket.


A well-known mosquito repellent is citronella. This is available in different forms. You can use it on your skin as a spray or oil, but citronella candles are also available, for example. Opinions are somewhat divided about whether it really works. At first the smell seems to keep mosquitoes at bay, but it seems that mosquitoes manage to find you after a while.


DEET has been an effective mosquito repellent for a long time. It was even used during World War II. DEET is available in different concentrations, so if you still experience discomfort after use, you can increase the concentration. You can buy it in different forms: liquid, lotion, spray or as a wristband.

walnuts against mosquitoesWalnut tree

Are you at a campsite that has walnut trees? Then you are lucky. The leaves of these trees give off a certain odor (tannin) that mosquitoes and insects do not like. So it is a good idea to stand near one of these trees. A similar tip we came across: put walnut shells near you. This also seems to keep mosquitoes at bay.

Still stuck?

Unfortunately, there is still a chance that a mosquito will get you. In any case: don't scratch. Then you'll only make it worse. You can apply something to it to prevent itching and swelling. In addition to the usual anti-mosquito remedies, such as mosquito bites, we came across these tips:

  • Apply a roll of deodorant to the bump. This has a relieving effect.
  • Spread a little toothpaste on and around the bump, this has a cooling effect.
  • With Apaisyl, not only does the itching disappear quickly, but so does the mosquito bite itself.
  • Cool the bite immediately with ice, such as a frozen bag of vegetables.
  • A little Vicks Vaporub seems to counteract the itching.
  • Tea tree oil reduces the swelling of the bump.
  • With Sudocream the burning sensation of the bump goes away.

Going on a nice holiday!

Do you want to go on holiday with your own camper or caravan soon? On our website you will find a wide range, that you can view here

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