Posted: 04-05-2021 Written by: Laurens Koster Reading time: 4 minutes
Gelderse Caravan Centrale becomes Gelderse Camper Centrale

Gelderse Caravan Centrale becomes Gelderse Camper Centrale

After more than 45 years of selling new and used campers and caravans from well-known A-brands, Gelders Caravan Centrale has decided to switch completely to the sale of campers. And that also includes a new name, the Gelderse Camper Centrale.

Gelderland Camper Central

A different name is not the only innovation. The corporate identity of the Gelderland Camper Centrale has been adapted and immediately refreshed. Another logical consequence is a new website. Not only according to the current state of technology, but also designed and completed in such a way that when you visit the site you immediately see and experience what the Gelderse Camper Centrale stands for. A specialist in Hymer and Bürstner campers with an extensive and fully equipped workshop as well as a supplier of all parts and accessories to personalize a new or recently used Hymer or Bürstner camper.

Gelderland Camper Central

A showroom like no other

The most striking aspect of the change in direction towards campers is the completely renovated showroom. Even with your eyes closed you can see that no effort was made to present the range of campers in such a way that they really do justice. This is not possible in a crowded warehouse. A camper only becomes beautiful in its natural habitat. And it has been recreated to perfection in the new showroom of the Gelderse Camper Centrale.

Gelderland Camper Central

Nature has a leading role. The wooden finish of the exterior and the entrance create a good atmosphere upon arrival. Walls covered with real moss, lots of greenery, light walls with a forest scene, a spotless cast floor and sophisticated lighting complete the attractive picture. In addition, the new showroom is not completely filled with campers. The models there are given plenty of space so that you can walk around them, take a detailed look at them, and see how your dream property will perform on a picturesque nature campsite. Because the creation of the Gelders Camper Centrale is very similar to that.

Gelderland Camper Central

Joop Koot, initiator of the Gelders Camper Centrale, “our motto is and remains: it doesn't have to be bigger, but it does have to be better. That is why we have invested in a major upgrade of our location. We visited several showrooms abroad for this purpose and decided to go three steps further. We have also invited the people from the Hymer and Bürstner factories to take a look at our plans. They were very impressed. Because how we have designed our showroom is unique in Europe.”

Gelderland Camper Central

Not only is viewing a camper in the showroom of the Gelderse Camper Centrale a pleasure, but so is doing business. There are two greenhouses with lots of greenery that offer complete privacy for discussing the price and other details. The coffee corner serves the best coffee and has a number of workplaces under a lush gazebo for those who want to wait for a service in the workshop. And then there is also a real tree in the showroom under which you can make the right choice in a pleasant camper atmosphere.

Gelderland Camper Central

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